Case Study #2 GameStop Electronics Landing Page

Prior to joining the Visual Merchandising team I briefly managed multiple well- known smart watch and fitness tracker accounts. Despite being popular brands, <5 SKUs of each brand were sold per week. I took on the task of proposing a redesign for their electronics landing page in order to increase traffic specifically towards their new subcategories.


Program Manager, Visual Merchandising


8 weeks, May - July 2022



Team Goals

  1. Increase customer traffic to website and stores through promotions and assortment

  2. Onboard new vendors that will diversify GameStop’s assortment

  3. Sell as much product as possible

Issues and Notes

Prior to the draft shown, “Smart Watches & Fitness Trackers” was not a category included on the Electronics Landing Page. Customers were not aware that smart watches were sold by GameStop.

I organized the changes in three main categories:

  1. Category Names

  2. Page Imagery

  3. Layout

Category Names

Category names are listed to the left of the product results. While “Smart Watches & Fitness Trackers” is included, it is not easily noticeable and not user-friendly.

Page Imagery

The five categories listed at the top are meant to be the most popular, but do not feature bestsellers. They also do not best represent the SKUs in the category.

Layout Cleanup

The product images in the category bubbles are not a good representation of the categories. The spacing between the product results does not coincide with the left bar.

Final Design Concept

  • Color: I added another color to the dual red and black color scheme

  • Icons: I added white shading to the icons to make them more unique and identifiable to GameStop’s brand

  • Buttons: A “SHOW LESS/SHOW MORE” button is included under the category icons to toggle between sets of categories and allows users to organize the page as they shop

  • Results: The lines between the categories and the results are much bolder and the number of results are displayed on the left

  • Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs are included on the top left.

Color Scheme

Icon Design

Final Design


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