Case Study #1 URBN Vendor Reporting System

During a Summer Internship, I worked at URBN as an industrial engineering intern. For the first half of the internship, I learned the intricacies of the fulfillment and distribution centers, and the specifics of URBN’s supply chain. I also assisted the engineering and supple chain team with all projects and tasks. For my final project, I designed and built a reporting system for the warehouse to log vendor tasks and information.


UI, UX, Application Design


10 weeks, Summer 2018



Team Goals

The goals of the supply chain team were to

  1. Optimize the space in the Gap, PA warehouses

  2. Expand the business by building more fulfillment centers

  3. Streamline internal processes and minimize the amount of inaccurate data

To work on goal 3, I was tasked with cleaning up an excel spreadsheet that was used companywide by fulfillment center employees to report vendor related tasks and information

Current Process

The initial process was a simple excel spreadsheet where data was manually submitted by warehouse employees. The data was was filled with errors and inaccuracies, resulting in inaccurate vendor reports.


Here is what I gathered from 1) the notes I made 2) the warehouse employees I interviewed 3) my skip level manager, who took the responsibility of cleaning the file each week (20+ hours of labor)

Lacks Accuracy

  • Misspelled vendor names

  • Information left out in entries

Lacks Security

  • Vendor information could be accessed by all employees

  • Entries were deleted by mistake


  1. Replaced an error filled manually inputted excel spreadsheet

  2. Streamlined and categorized accurate vendor data entries

  3. Saved 20+ hours of manual spreadsheet clean up

My final design did not allow for much manual entry, so most information was included in drop down menus. I wrote a level of error handling that would prevent users from entering erroneous strings.

Lacks organization

  • There were multiple spellings of the same vendors, actions, supplies, locations, etc; so the data could not be categorized or organized


Case Study #2: GameStop Electronics Landing Page